Sunday, May 31, 2015

USB-C charging cable

High voltage USB-C charging cable for the New Macbook available only at Mikegyver.

We wanted to clarify that our USB-C cable for the MacBooks are high powered USB, meaning it'll charge from 14+v source.  It will charge about 25% per hour with Macbook off.  The current offering on the market such as this:
Will take about a day to charge.  It uses old standard USB-A port with is only 5v.


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Pure DC UPS backup for Synology Diskstation

Synology Battery Backup.

We frequent power outages. Each time that happens our Synology Drive shuts down and we’d have to physically power it back up.
We solved it with our very own pure DC battery backup for the Synology Diskstation!
Did you know standard UPS backups is an inefficient INVERTER? Pure DC power backup is more efficient, less wasteful, and your batteries last longer!
Ask us how you can get Pure DC backup for your device.